

We have posted  the pages about energy, environment,economy & other pages as part of our awareness through the pictures collected by tourism & here in Toronto. The pictures of Yosemite National park taken in 2014 was projected in Dec, 2014. Please be informed  that  on some pages the same picture is used as a background. As well, we appreciate your time browsing  each slide inside which is designed favoring environment.


Thanks to  those who added pictures & assisted my pages with their excellent pictures.


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Inspiration of  WEEE


Inspired by nature and wilderness by visiting the places, I designed this web page to share my experiences and stories. All pictures, contents & others are collected through tourism in my individual initiatives.


I am an artist to design the picture words in a simple manner to reach the spirit of who  en-light the nature. Focusing on Energy, Environment & Economy, we like to share our complex words into a common & understandable manners.


With my institutional knowledge in energy, environment, economy & engineering, I am comfortable to look at an issue aligned with real picture.


"We make our world better by caring ourself "


Those who supported in bringing up this spirit, I really like to thank them, specialty to the one organization ( Above all, thanks to all who are helping us by browsing this pages.


With your words about this site, we believe in success .


It is our voice ornamented in this site!




Jobaida B.


 Team, WEEE

See Jobaida's profile in this link below